Pumpkin cream soup with green beans and bacon

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Dear Gourmand,

Today I would like to share with you a dish I love to cook particularly in autumn. It’s sweet and spicy, rich in vitamins and minerals. If you are vegan, you can use the same recipe, except for bacon, which is added at the end.

Cooking time: 25-30 min. Difficulty level: easy.


-  200g pumpkin

-  100g carrots

-  1 sweet peperoni  

-  100g green beans

-  60g bacon

-  1 spoon of virgin olive oil

-  Paprika, Curcuma, Marine Salt


1)   Clean and cut in pieces the pumpkin, carrots and sweet pepperoni. Put all into a pot and cover with water, add some salt (better if gross Himalaya), bring to boiling temperature. Boil for about 10 minutes, then smash altogether with a mixer, add paprika, curcuma and other species. Now the cream soup is ready.

2)   Meantime put in a separate pot the green beans and take them to boil, while in an anti-adherent cooking pan slightly fry the sliced bacon.

3)   In a deep plate place some spoons of cream soup, on top some bacon and green beans, and add a little of virgin olive oil.

Ready to be served! Enjoy it!

Do you love pumpkin? How do you prefer to cook it? If you have a loved recipe and you’re willing to share, write me in the comment section here below.

See you soon for the next recipe!

With best regards,


MetropolitanMe Blogger