Homemade Coconut Cake

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Hello, my Gourmet community!

Today I want to share the recipe of my favorite home-made cake, a flavored and tasteful cake, with low glycemic loads. 

Cooking time: 45 min. Difficulty level: low.


- 100g erythritol (substitute for sugar with zero glycemic loads)

- Three medium eggs (two big eggs)

- One sachet of vanillin 

- One sachet of baking powder

- 50g butter

- 200ml Greek yogurt 0% fat

- 100g flour type 2

- 100g coconut flour


  1. In a bowl place the eggs, the erythritol, the vanillin, and the baking soda, mix all together using a mixer at a low speed.
  2. Then add the butter (melted) and the yogurt. Mix the ingredients to obtain a similar content. At last, add the two types of flour until obtaining a cream mixture. 
  3. At the same time, please turn on the oven at 180°C (356°F) and place it on the ventilated function.
  4. While the oven is heating (it takes about 5 minutes), prepare the baking tray by spying on the boards some oil and blow some flour on top to prevent sticking. Pour the mixture on the baking dish. 
  5. Place the plate in the oven for about 35-40 minutes on the middle level. Control from time to time to make sure it is not burning out. 
  6. When taking out, spray on top of a spoon or two of coconut. Then let it rest for at least 10 minutes. Afterward, you can take out from the tray. 

The result I am sharing in this picture. It is a puffy, slightly sweet, and deliciously scented cake that is perfect for coffee or breakfast. Enjoy!

Coconut cake

With best wishes,


MetropolitanMe Blogger