The North direction governs the sector of career. You could place objects connected with your career achievements: photos from your business trips, diplomas, awards from your career activity, etc. You could also create a “wish list,” writing down your goals and deadlines you need to achieve. Check it from time to time and take off what you have already done.
The element governing the sector of career is Water. Suppose you are positioning this sector in the living room or dining room. In that case, you could activate it using an aquarium with fishes, a fountain, or any other decorations holding water. If you decide to put here an aquarium, be sure to have an odd number of fishes because it will keep Yang's vibrant energy – it facilitates growth, career advancement, expansion, and empowerment. If you decide to place a fountain or a waterfall – make it look delightful, ensure it will work regularly, and periodically change the water to be fresh and clean.
If you are positioning the career sector in your bedroom, do not use the water element! It is considered that water will do the opposite effect in such circumstances – it will wash away good luck. In this case is recommended to use other symbols, for example, a turtle. To build a career takes time and patience, and a turtle possesses these characteristics at best. In Chinese mythology, North is associated with a black turtle – it symbolizes a measured, consistent, and calm advancement on a life path, bringing straight to the top.
Looking at the creation cycle of elements, we see that Metal supplies to Water, so all metallic surfaces and jewelry will provide energy into this sector. It would be great to bring here a bronze turtle or made of any other metal, and even better if a real turtle in an aquarium – in this case, will potentiate the sector of career and symbolize longevity.
Since ancient times, it was considered favorably if there was a hill or a mountain from the Northside of the house, offering protection. You can hang on the northern wall a painting with one or a chain of picturesque mountains as an alternative. The image must reflect positive emotions, so are not recommended abrupt, rocky, and dangerous cliffs.
If you feel some symbols are not working for you, then change with something new. However, remember that Feng Shui is not a fairy enchantment practice; it only helps you potentiate the energy and attract good luck, but does not do all the hard work. So, use the tools at your disposal and use your intellectual and physical capacity to create your desired career success.
Good luck!
Best wishes,
MetropolitanMe Blogger