A small history of the TUXEDO by YSL
In 1966, Yves Saint Laurent dressed models in a black tuxedo with a sheer blouse to walk the runway of Haute Couture in Paris. It was the year he introduced LE SMOKING. Society broke out in scandal! In the end, this garment became “the look” of the House and the Nr. 1 most beloved item of the Designer.
A small history of the NEW LOOK by Dior
Christian Dior is probably one of the most famous fashion French designers in the world! His name is bounded with fashion since the early fifties from the last century. Impeccable, beautifully structured silhouettes he created, inspired many designers in the years to follow. He dressed a woman as a rosebud ready to blossom, releasing elegance and femininity from head to toes. This figure accompanied and inspired the designer through his entire life career.
A small history of the LBD by Chanel
Coco Chanel said: “Look for the woman in the dress. If there is no woman, there is no dress.”
A DRESS – is that garment that makes a woman look beautiful, stylish, and sexy, feminine, exquisite, and elegant, fashionable, trendy, and practical. All of it at once!
The DRESS was created to embrace and highlight a woman’s natural shape, stand out her tenderness and softness, underline her accomplishments and hide imperfections, excite a male imagination, and inspire artists.